Do any of these financial question marks apply to you?

4Q 2020 Market Letter

4Q 2020 Market Letter


You’d be right to suspect that – as usual – a very different working title originally was queued up to open this quarter’s piece. Truth is, my first impulse was to go with a rousing chorus of Life of Brian’s “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life,” as I could imagine no more fitting salute to 2020’s swirl around the toil…

3Q 2020 Market Letter

3Q 2020 Market Letter


It’s not very often you can use a headline like that comfortably, without feeling as though you need to second-guess yourself; quite frankly, in light of everything we’ve had to go through to get to this point, that’s just fine with us! We feel quite confident, however, applying this particular lens to our current global circumstances.

The Plan Sponsor Time Crunch

The Plan Sponsor Time Crunch

During these uncertain times, plan sponsors are feeling more pressure to ensure their retirement plans are getting the attention they need. However, company executives and HR professionals struggle with being able to spend adequate time on retirement plans, leading to more consideration for outsourcing these fiduciary responsibilities.