Privacy Policy

 Protecting Your Privacy

We at Pacific Portfolio Consulting, LLC appreciate the trust you place in us when you ask us to help you invest your assets. You trust us with your private, personal information as well as your assets. Your personal and financial information is your private information and we maintain strict standards to protect that information.

Most importantly, we do not rent or sell your information to anyone. Your information is used solely to help us determine the appropriate investment strategy for you and to complete the necessary transactions to implement that strategy.

The Information We Collect About You

We collect personal information in the normal course of business. This includes information provided when you complete a brokerage account application, when you provide information to help determine the appropriate investment strategy, and when you make transactions. The information may include:

  • Name, address and telephone numbers

  • Social Security or other tax identification number

  • Birth date

  • Income, assets and liabilities

  • Employment information, including place of employment and occupation

  • Information on other investment accounts, including account number and balance

  • Investment transactions and activity

  • Estate plan, including wills and trusts

  • Tax returns and other tax information

How We Handle Your Personal Information

As we stated above, we do not sell or rent any of your personal information to any non-affiliated third parties. Nor do we share this information with anyone, except when it is needed to complete transactions you have authorized for your account. The types of information we provide and the types of firms that we provide it to are listed below.

  • We provide personal information to set up brokerage accounts for you at a brokerage firm. Typically these accounts will be at Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. although other brokerage firms may be used. These firms also have Privacy Policies and treat your personal information with a high degree of confidentiality.

  • In order to complete certain transactions, especially the purchase of fixed income securities from non-affiliated brokerage companies, we need to provide certain personal information about you to have the transaction completed. Information may include your name, Social Security number and brokerage account number. These firms also have Privacy Policies and will not share your personal information.

  • In certain instances, we may contract with non-affiliated companies to perform services for us on your behalf. We need to provide sufficient personal information to the third party provider so that they can complete their work. We require these third parties to treat your private information with the same high degree of confidentiality that we do.

  • Finally, we will release information about you only if you direct us to do so, or if we are compelled to do so by law or court order.

As a general policy, Pacific Portfolio will not share any personal information about a former client, unless directed to do so by the client.

Privacy Online

We extend our privacy policy to our website. If your account information is posted on the website, that information is accessible only by you through a secured system requiring a unique user name and password.

How We Safeguard Your Personal Information

We restrict access about you to those employees at Pacific Portfolio that need to know the information to provide services to you. Your records are maintained in a secure computerized database, with access restricted to Pacific Portfolio employees. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your personal information.

We Will Keep You Informed

As required by Federal law, we will notify you annually of our privacy policy. While we may change the policy at any time, we will notify you if any material change is made.

If you have any questions about Pacific Portfolio’s privacy policy, please contact us at (206) 623-6641 or (800) 249-6426.