Financial Planning

3Q 2024 Market Letter

3Q 2024 Market Letter


Some of you may already be familiar with the work of psychologist and popular TED talker Angela Duckworth on the concept of grit, which she refers to as “passion and perseverance for very long-term goals;” the dictionary, meanwhile, defines grit more broadly as an ability to display courage and resolve in the face of challenge.

From a pragmatic, “big picture” perspective, this could easily be making reference to the entire process of investing; certainly, this long-term practice we are pursuing together requires a healthy degree of grit from which to draw the courage, conviction, and discipline to prudently grow our clients’ wealth in pursuit of their – of your – most important long-term goals.

Take Control of Your Finances: Celebrate Financial Literacy Month with These Essential Tips!

Take Control of Your Finances: Celebrate Financial Literacy Month with These Essential Tips!

Financial literacy is vital for everyone, as it involves having a working knowledge of money management. Without essential financial skills like budgeting, investing, and retirement planning, life can become much more difficult. Financial Literacy Month provides an opportunity to prioritize financial literacy and take advantage of resources to improve your financial situation now and in the future. Here are 6 tips to help you get started.



The Washington State Supreme Court has ruled that the excise tax on capital gains is constitutional and valid. As such, the Department of Revenue will continue collecting the tax which is due April 18, 2023. A filing extension will be granted if the taxpayer files a federal extension and requests a Washington extension prior to the original due date, but the tax must still be paid in full by April 18th (April 15th in future years). Any tax paid after that date is subject to a late payment penalty of up to 29% of the tax due.

How to Eliminate Debt

How to Eliminate Debt

Not all debt is bad, but reducing the debt you have can give you more options both now and later. Are you curious about what key strategies you can deploy to reduce your debt? Keep reading to learn about effective debt reduction strategies and solutions.

2023 Limits

2023 Limits

The tax law places limits on the dollar amount of contributions to retirement plans and IRAs and the amount of benefits under a pension plan. IRC Section 415 requires the limits to be adjusted annually for cost-of-living increases. The following table presents various limits adjusted for 2023 that you might be subject to.

Secure 2.0 Act of 2022

Secure 2.0 Act of 2022

We welcome the New Year with a new law aimed at changing the way we think about retirement savings. President Biden signed the SECURE 2.0 bill on December 29, 2022, making the retirement package law. The package includes 90+ new provisions, including those designed to broaden access to workplace retirement plans and raise the age when required minimum distributions begin. Here are the top 10 takeaways we want you to be aware of.



Now's the time to compare Medicare plans for 2023. Visit through December 7 to compare plans and make any changes. If you decide to change plans, your new coverage will start January 1. Why compare plans for next year? Plans change, and your health care needs, or situation may have changed, too. Think about what benefits matter to you and find a Medicare plan that fits your needs.

3Q 2022 Market Letter


Forgive me; no sooner had the words hit the page than it occurred to me that “entertained” is almost certainly not the word you would have chosen. Stunned perhaps? Or maybe nauseous would have been a better choice. A twenty-five percent bear market decline in stocks disrupted by sporadic and occasionally quite violent counter-trend rallies; a huge spike in the number of one to two percent swings up or down in the market from one day to the next and some of the largest intra-day reversals ever seen.

401(k) to Rollover IRA Considerations

401(k) to Rollover IRA Considerations

When deciding whether to rollover your 401(k) to an IRA, you should weigh the pros and cons to determine the option that protects your assets. A Rollover IRA is an account that allows you to move funds from your prior employer-sponsored retirement plan into an IRA. Carefully consider all your available options, which may include but not be limited to keeping your assets in your former employer's plan; rolling over assets to a new employer's plan; or taking a cash distribution (taxes and possible withdrawal penalties may apply).

2Q 2022 Market Letter

2Q 2022 Market Letter


If you’re nervous these days, rest assured that you are not alone. In fact, you are in such good company that this lifeboat is starting to look a little bit crowded.

Saving for College

Saving for College

May 29th is National 529 Day (5/29), a day created to highlight the importance of 529 savings plans in helping families pay for college or training expenses.

1Q 2022 Market Letter

1Q 2022 Market Letter


Believe me, I get it; it’s ugly out there right now and nothing sounds quite so appealing as the thought of being able to turn a blind eye to it all and pretend that none of this is happening.

Earth Day 2022: Let's Talk about ESG

Earth Day 2022: Let's Talk about ESG

On this day, created to raise awareness about environmental issues, we reflect on how the choices we make affect the environment.

4Q 2021 Market Letter

4Q 2021 Market Letter


Another year under our belts, another one already storming out of the gate. Before 2022 completely gets away from us, though, conventional wisdom dictates that, as investors, it is our duty to stop and scrutinize the books we only just barely closed this past December 31st. The purpose?

The Responsibilities of Administering a Retirement Plan for Employees

The Responsibilities of Administering a Retirement Plan for Employees

Tips and advice on why it’s important to have retirement plans for your employees!

Why Stock Market Bulls May Be Right to Push Valuations So High

Why Stock Market Bulls May Be Right to Push Valuations So High

With U.S. stocks reaching new highs, investors and experts alike are starting to wonder if market conditions are getting frothy. In a frothy market, investor enthusiasm begins to outpace any consideration of risk.

Who are the states without income tax?

Who are the states without income tax?

Did the lockdown of the pandemic leave you with the itch to travel? Or perhaps it made you leave your home state altogether? The pandemic of last year came with many unforeseen circumstances.